Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Happiness is a State of Mind"

I have heard this idea and concept before. It sounded nice. However, it wasn't true for me. Happiness was the result of things going well in my life. I was happy when I was getting along with my husband, when I was at my "perfect" weight, when I had cute clothes to wear, when I liked my haircut, when I had good friends, when I had something "fun" to do, when my house was clean, and when my kids were well behaved. (To name a few) Surprisingly, I wasn't "happy" very often. In my ignorance, I believed that outside influences had something to do with the whole thing! What a giant misconception!
My husband used to tell me, "nobody can 'make' you happy" or "nobody can 'make' you mad!" (This argument usually used in his own defense) "Phewey!" I used to think. You are making me mad right now!! How truly wrong I was.
As life has happened to me over the last few years, I have discovered that the old adage has some clout! You mean I have some control over this? Fascinating! As it turns out, happiness is a choice that I get to make every day. I have found that the strongest tool to have in my toolbox is gratitude. When I become grateful for my life, I am free to be happy.
The next enlightening realization for me was that I had to stop "expecting" my life to turn out a certain way. A wise friend of mine always says, "all frustration stems from unmet expectations." I should expect to have trials, and expect for things not to go as planned. That is life. Now that I know that, I can choose to BE happy because I AM a happy person, not because my life is exactly what I want it to be.
I am going to choose to be happy. I hope you will too!

*I have been interrupted four times since writing this and Rachel and Adam have been given chocolate milk and goldfish crackers for breakfast to keep them quiet.


  1. love this!!
    thanks for true. :)

  2. What a perfect thing for me to read today. Thank you. I have felt the same way.


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"The Homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only - and that is to support this ultimate career."
C.S. Lewis

"The ultimate result of all ambition is to be happy at home." Samuel Johnson

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