Monday, September 27, 2010

Mom! It's time to get up!

  Our theme for the school year was simply, "Be on Time."  This theme was general for every aspect of our lives and it is something that I really struggle with.  In order to be on time you have to be prepared as well.  Anyway, the girls have been ON TIME EVERY DAY THIS YEAR!  Let me repeat:  the girls have been ON TIME  EVERY DAY THIS YEAR!  (To school that is).  What's my secret?  I put them in charge!  If it were up to me I can assure you that they would have been late probably once a week at the least.  What did we do?  We bought the little ladies their own alarm clock and they turn it on every night.  THEY even lay out their clothes the night before.  Every morning I wake up to the two of them dressed from head to toe, standing at my bedside.  "It's time to wake up Mom," they say.  I groan and turn over to my side.  It is so hard to get up. By the time I am out of bed they are packing up their backpacks and in the kitchen for breakfast.  I cannot believe that I didn't think of this before!  This is amazing!!  Thanks to Audrey and Rachel, we have yet to miss the bus and you know what?  I am feeling quite accomplished (even thought I don't deserve any of the credit!)

Monday, September 6, 2010

New Goal

I'm going public with my goal!!!  I need a little extra boost to help me to commit.  I recently finished a fitness competition that I entered into with James.  I had a great time and I am so glad that I did it.  The only problem is that after loosing 15 lbs and improving my fitness level, the competition is over and I need new motivation.  I reached my original goal but as in most things now that I am here I want more!  I want to lose another five lbs.  So, I am going on record here to say that in 21 days I am going to lose 5 lbs.  I was doing great with my eating habits all summer but since the competition I have been on a complete carb and sugar binge!  Starting RIGHT NOW, I am going back to my good habits, no sugar for 21 days (and then sparingly), no crackers, chips, or empty carbs, whole wheat breads, pastas, and rice, low fat dairy, and LOTS of veggies and fruits!  I can do it.  I have done it before.  Of course I will be exercising five days a week.  I plan to go to the early morning classes at the gym and become one of those "over the top" women in the classes that do the whole class like they are on speed!  I would like to get certified to teach and then I will get paid to work out!  Ready, Set, GO!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday Afternoon

I'm tired.  I'm not sure if it is more from lack of stimuli or actual lack of sleep.  Adam just informed me that he is hungry and then flashed me his most charming, "I hope she takes the bait" sort of grins.  I'm opening the bag of sunchips that he has brought to me from the "not so secret" hiding place that I had them in.  "They are NOT gone," he says, and then gives me a satisfying glance over the shoulder.
      "Chi-ips!" exclaims Claire as she toddles in from the other room wanting in on the fun.  There is something fun about sunchips to be sure.  I have found my way to the bottom of a sinful too many a bag myself!  It's much better, I have found, to buy the large bags instead of the smaller one serving bags.  It gives you the sense that you are just going to have "a few" and then you don't know that you have actually helped yourself to about three servings worth!   Two kids are set up at the kitchen table, happily eating sunchips or "licking" all of the seasoning off of them. (Claire) 
     The doorbell rings and it is the big sisters with a loot of smarties to share!  I am now fighting with the wrappings of three bundles of smarties all fastened together aggressively with tape.  Nothing is easy folks, nothing.  Canned laughter from the TV floats in from the other room to land in my spot at the computer.  My office chair is missing one of the wheels at its feet, so I am sitting a bit lopsided says a small twinge in my lower back.  I lift and scoot the chair into place and slide backward hoping to have a little better position.  Maybe if the slope is forward or backward instead of side to side?  Now for the pesky afternoon headache.  Why am I so tired all of the time?  I really wish I had a sitter for "date night" tonight.

"The Homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only - and that is to support this ultimate career."
C.S. Lewis

"The ultimate result of all ambition is to be happy at home." Samuel Johnson

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