Many many years ago, when I attended E.F.Y. (especially for youth) I had a counselor who challenged us to keep a joy journal. She asked us to write three things each day that brought us joy (one for each letter). I have done this on and off but I think that it is a nice concise way of keeping happy memories. So here we go again . . .
J- Enjoying a quiet afternoon with James. Adam was at his gymnastics Preschool, Claire was napping, the girls were at school, and I was enjoying a turkey sandwich, chips, and carrot sticks, compliments of my sweet husband.
O- Listening to Daddy singing "I once knew a boy named Bud Bud . . . " It is the worst song you have ever heard but it is oddly catchy. It goes on:
. . . who had big muscles
. . . who saved his sisters from a bear
. . . who saved his Mommy from a Tiger
etc. etc.
Adam gets so much delight in it and we laugh at James.
Y- Reading Harry Potter to the girls last night in my bed. I have never read the series and I am excited to read them with the kids this summer!
Here's a bonus one (yesterday was a good day).
-Listening to the rain and thunder and watching the lightening. Talking to James in candlelight when the power went out and being disappointed when the lights, TV, and computer all came back on!
Big Muscles!
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